lynda 出品 html5 系列教程/lynda html5部分字幕

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发布时间: 2014-12-06 04:19:29
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匹配视频: HTML 5 training
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文件名:lynda html5部分字幕.zip
0101 Understanding HTML5 drag and drop.srt3.2KB
0102 Exploring a sample drag-and-drop application.srt9.7KB
0201 Detecting drag-and-drop support.srt5.2KB
0202 Coding a simple event listener.srt8.1KB
0203 Exploring the different events.srt15.2KB
0204 Using a drop zone.srt8.7KB
0205 Receiving drops without a drop zone.srt4.4KB
0301 Creating a simple game.srt6KB
0302 Exploring the RPS code.srt14.4KB
0303 Exploring the RPS CSS.srt4.7KB
Next steps.srt1.6KB
The CSS files.srt2.5KB
The JavaScript library.srt2.2KB
Using the exercise files.srt1.7KB
0101 What is the File API.srt6.4KB
0102 Overview of the File API interfaces.srt6.5KB
0201 Using the File Input form element.srt7KB
0202 Getting information about the file.srt4.5KB
0203 Working with multiple files.srt6.8KB
0204 Using drag and drop.srt7.9KB
0301 Reading data.srt6KB
0302 Reading data as text.srt5.6KB
0303 Reading file contents as a data URL.srt6.3KB
0304 Using File API event handlers.srt16.8KB
0305 Reading file slices.srt8.3KB
Setting up the environment.srt4.2KB
Using the exercise files.srt3.8KB
0101 How geolocation works.srt4KB
0102 Exploring a sample geolocation application.srt7.9KB
0201 Detecting geolocation support.srt2.7KB
0202 Getting the coordinates.srt4.8KB
0203 Handling errors.srt3.8KB
0204 Continuous tracking with watchPosition().srt8.6KB
0301 A simple Google map with current location.srt3.6KB
0302 Using HTML5 geolocation with Google Maps.srt7.6KB
About the CSS file.srt1.8KB
About the JavaScript library.srt2.1KB
Using the exercise files.srt1.9KB
0101 Real-world example- CanvasMol.srt3.8KB
0102 Real-world example- Rapha毛l-JavaScript Library.srt3.3KB
0103 Real-world example- The Wilderness Downtown.srt4.3KB
0104 Real-world example- Sketchpad.srt1.9KB
0105 Real-world example- Pirates Love Daisies.srt2.7KB
0201 Installing the tools.srt2.6KB
0202 Exploring the Canvas examples used in this course.srt3.7KB
0301 Introducing the Canvas tag.srt10.7KB
0302 Understanding the differences between Canvas and SVG.srt3.9KB
0401 Identifying the Canvas element's methods and properties.srt2.7KB
0402 Using the Canvas drawing context.srt6.7KB
0501 Setting and using colors and styles.srt5.1KB
0502 Drawing basic shapes- Rectangles and lines.srt15.9KB
0503 Understanding the Canvas state.srt7.9KB
0504 Drawing complex shapes- Arcs and paths.srt12.5KB
0505 Drawing complex shapes- Bézier and quadratic curves.srt8KB
0506 Rendering text.srt13KB
0601 Creating shadows.srt9.4KB
0602 Drawing with patterns.srt11.1KB
0603 Drawing with gradients.srt9.6KB
0604 Using clipping paths.srt8.2KB
0605 Drawing images and video.srt11.4KB
0701 Transforming objects using the translate tag.srt6.4KB
0702 Scaling objects with the scale transformation.srt5.3KB
0703 Rotating objects with the rotate transformation.srt6.5KB
0704 Applying a custom transformation.srt10.9KB
0705 Compositing in Canvas using globalAlpha.srt10.2KB
0706 Manipulating raw pixels.srt13.1KB
0801 Building an image slideshow control.srt6.4KB
0802 Using smooth transitions in a slideshow.srt6.9KB
0803 Creating a basic animation.srt8.6KB
0804 Creating animation with double buffering.srt20.4KB
0805 Incorporating Canvas into a real page.srt20.9KB
Using the exercise files.srt3.9KB
Using the HTML5 Canvas element in the real world.srt3KB
0101 Four types of storage.srt7.1KB
0102 Understanding the architecture.srt4KB
0103 Running applications offline.srt2.5KB
0201 Providing client-side storage.srt1.7KB
0202 Understanding the Storage() interface.srt9.7KB
0203 Persistent storage with localStorage.srt10.4KB
0204 Keeping context with sessionStorage.srt5.5KB
0301 The state of Web SQL Storage.srt2.5KB
0302 Understanding the Web SQL API.srt6.9KB
0303 Creating a database.srt14.3KB
0304 Inserting and reading rows of data.srt14KB
0305 Editing rows of data.srt10.7KB
0306 Deleting rows of data.srt10.7KB
0401 The state of IndexedDB storage.srt3.1KB
0402 Understanding the IndexedDB API.srt10.9KB
0403 Create an IndexedDB database.srt21.2KB
0404 Adding and reading data in an IndexedDB database.srt12.3KB
0405 Editing data in an IndexedDB database.srt11.2KB
0406 Deleting data from an IndexedDB database.srt7.8KB
0501 Understanding storage events.srt1.9KB
0502 Handling storage events with local storage.srt13KB
0601 Overview of offline web applications.srt2.3KB
0602 Using applications offline.srt14KB
0701 Goodbye.srt1.3KB
Using the exercise files.srt1.3KB
0101 Manipulating browser history.srt3.4KB
0102 Viewing a sample application.srt6.1KB
0201 Detecting HTML5 History API support.srt2.9KB
0202 Pushing a new URL onto the stack.srt5.2KB
0203 Handling back and forward buttons with the popstate event.srt6.3KB
0204 Updating the stack with replaceState().srt6KB
0205 The complete application.srt13.6KB
About the bwH5.js library.srt1.7KB
About the CSS files.srt1.7KB
Using the exercise files.srt1.9KB
0101 A brief overview of HTML5.srt6.3KB
0102 What's in the HTML5 specification.srt13.5KB
0103 Why do we need new structural elements.srt11.7KB
0201 Defining HTML5 documents.srt8.7KB
0202 HTML5 syntax.srt16.7KB
0203 The header element.srt10.2KB
0204 The nav element.srt9.4KB
0205 The section element.srt9.4KB
0206 The article element.srt9KB
0207 The aside element.srt8.1KB
0208 The footer element.srt8.3KB
0209 Content model overview.srt14.3KB
0301 Understanding the outline algorithm.srt5.2KB
0302 Creating document sections.srt14KB
0303 Using headings properly.srt16.8KB
0304 Using hgroup to override sectioning.srt7.7KB
0305 Properly nesting structure.srt13.5KB
0306 Sectioning roots.srt5.9KB
0401 Organizing content.srt8.6KB
0402 Planning document structure.srt10.5KB
0403 Choosing the right structural element.srt8.8KB
0404 Checking document outlines.srt10KB
0405 Coding initial page structure.srt10.5KB
0406 Using class and ID attributes.srt10.1KB
0407 Structuring headers.srt24.6KB
0408 Building navigation.srt12.9KB
0409 Structuring footers.srt12.4KB
0501 Working with figure and figcaption.srt12.9KB
0502 Grouping content with asides.srt6.1KB
0503 Using divs in HTML5.srt9.5KB
0504 Working with lists in HTML5.srt12.1KB
0505 The return of bold and italic.srt10.1KB
0506 Citing works semantically.srt11KB
0507 Using the address element.srt9.3KB
0508 Using the small element.srt7.4KB
0509 Using the mark element.srt9.4KB
0510 Working with date and time.srt20.8KB
0511 Creating block-level links.srt14.5KB
0512 Understanding link relationships.srt15.5KB
0513 Defining link relationships.srt10.4KB
0601 Current browser support.srt11.8KB
0602 Ensuring block-level display.srt6KB
0603 Adding support for elements in older browsers.srt9.4KB
Additional Resources.srt5.7KB
Using the exercise files.srt2.9KB
0101 Understanding HTML5 video and audio.srt8.2KB
0102 The state of HTML5 video and audio.srt7.3KB
0103 Understanding the format war.srt6.5KB
0104 Configuring your server to deliver HTML5 media formats.srt3.8KB
0201 Using the video and audio tags.srt8.1KB
0202 Using multiple sources for browser compatibility.srt8.5KB
0203 Preloading.srt6.5KB
0204 Autoplaying.srt3.5KB
0205 Looping.srt8.1KB
0206 Setting a poster frame.srt6.2KB
0207 Setting the video width and height.srt6.3KB
0208 Displaying subtitles and captions.srt3.7KB
0301 Falling back to Flash.srt7KB
0302 Falling back to download links.srt9.6KB
0303 Using an embed code builder.srt3.7KB
0401 Understanding HTML5 video formats.srt9KB
0402 Understanding HTML5 audio formats.srt4.9KB
0403 Encoding MP4-H.264 video with HandBrake.srt5.3KB
0404 Encoding Ogg, Theora, and WebM with Firefogg.srt5.3KB
0405 Encoding audio formats with VLC.srt8.4KB
0406 Automating video and audio encoding.srt3.1KB
0501 Setting up the JavaScript.srt7.1KB
0502 Creating Play and Pause buttons.srt9.7KB
0503 Creating a Play Progress bar.srt6.9KB
0504 Creating a Load Progress bar.srt13.1KB
0505 Creating a Current Time and Duration display.srt9.1KB
0601 Overview of known issues.srt1.2KB
0602 Autobuffer or preload.srt1.8KB
0603 Load progress in Firefox 3.6.srt1.4KB
0604 Android 2.0 issues.srt2.1KB
0605 iOS 3 issues.srt2.5KB
0701 Flight of the Navigator.srt1.4KB
0702 ZEN Audio Player by simurai.srt1KB
0703 The Wilderness Downtown by Google and Arcade Fire.srt1.3KB
Further exploration.srt2.6KB
Using the exercise files.srt1.4KB
0101 What's new in HTML5 Forms.srt8.7KB
0102 Overview of the new HTML5 Forms features.srt6.5KB
0201 Designating a default active form field using the autofocus attribute.srt6.2KB
0202 Auto-filling previously entered data with the autocomplete attribute.srt5.3KB
0203 Displaying placeholder text in form fields.srt8.3KB
0204 Constraining form field data with a regular expression using the pattern attribute.srt5.2KB
0205 Creating Submit buttons that bypass validation rules using the novalidate attribute.srt5.7KB
0206 Setting required fields.srt4.7KB
0207 Using the text selection APIs.srt7KB
0208 Building CSS styling for invalid, valid, and required fields.srt6.8KB
0301 Creating a search field.srt4.1KB
0302 Capturing email addresses.srt5KB
0303 Building a web address field.srt5KB
0304 Creating a phone number input field.srt4.2KB
0305 Formatting number fields.srt7KB
0306 Creating fields for capturing number ranges.srt6.3KB
0307 Building a date picker field.srt11.2KB
0308 Invoking the color picker for field input.srt3.7KB
0401 Creating a list of suggested entries using the datalist element.srt5.5KB
0402 Using the progress element to create a progress bar.srt5.5KB
0403 Indicating measurements with the meter element.srt8.5KB
0404 Displaying the results of a calculation using the output element.srt8.7KB
0501 HTML5 Forms and mobile.srt14KB
0502 Transforming an ordinary form into an HTML5 form.srt18.5KB
Installing the essential tools.srt4.2KB
Using HTML5 Forms in the real world.srt3.1KB
Using the exercise files.srt3.9KB


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