AutoCAD2011 训练教学/lynda AutoCAD2011

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发布时间: 2014-12-06 04:19:27
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匹配视频: AutoCAD 2011 training
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0101 Understanding model space.srt7KB
0102 Accessing AutoCAD's tools.srt5.5KB
0103 Leveraging dockable palettes.srt5.8KB
0104 Monitoring the Status bar.srt3KB
0105 Understanding the anatomy of a command.srt4.3KB
0106 Customizing AutoCAD's preferences.srt6.2KB
0107 Accessing help.srt6.9KB
0108 Saving a workspace.srt5.8KB
1001 Understanding layers.srt5.1KB
1002 Creating and adjusting layers.srt12.8KB
1003 Using layers to organize a drawing.srt14.2KB
1004 Changing popular settings using the layer control.srt6.5KB
1005 Understanding the BYLAYER property.srt6.1KB
1006 Restoring previous layer states.srt6.2KB
1007 Using existing geometry to set the current layer.srt3.6KB
1101 Creating single-line text.srt5.6KB
1102 Justifying text.srt9.6KB
1103 Controlling appearance using text styles.srt10.1KB
1104 Annotating with multi-line text.srt9.2KB
1105 Editing text.srt8.2KB
1106 Creating bulleted and numbered lists.srt6.2KB
1107 Incorporating symbols.srt9.4KB
1108 Correcting spelling errors.srt8.1KB
1201 Creating general dimensions.srt7.1KB
1202 Creating continuous and baseline dimensions.srt4.1KB
1203 Controlling appearance using dimension styles.srt8.9KB
1204 Modifying dimensions.srt10.5KB
1205 Creating multileaders.srt4.5KB
1206 Controlling appearance using multileader styles.srt5.9KB
1207 Modifying multileaders.srt8.5KB
1301 Inserting blocks.srt8KB
1302 Creating blocks.srt11.5KB
1303 Leveraging blocks.srt9.5KB
1304 Redefining blocks.srt5.3KB
1305 Building a block library.srt9KB
1401 Querying a drawing using rollover tooltips.srt3.7KB
1402 Taking measurements using the Distance command.srt4.7KB
1403 Modifying properties using the Quick Properties tool.srt7.1KB
1404 Automating calculations using the Quick Calculator feature.srt7.2KB
1501 Creating quick plots.srt9.5KB
1502 Selecting a pen table.srt8.7KB
1503 Choosing line weights.srt7.2KB
1504 Creating a layout, pt. 1- Choosing a paper size.srt4.5KB
1505 Creating a layout, pt. 2- Inserting a title block.srt3.9KB
1506 Creating a layout, pt. 3- Cutting viewports.srt10.3KB
1507 Reusing layouts.srt6.4KB
1508 Organizing layouts.srt6.5KB
1601 Using the Annotative property to automatically size text.srt6.7KB
1602 Using the Annotative property to automatically size dimensions.srt7.1KB
1603 Using the Annotative property to automatically size multileaders.srt5.5KB
1604 Changing the scale assigned to annotations.srt6.1KB
1701 Saving drawings to other formats.srt4.4KB
1702 Plotting to PDF.srt3.9KB
1703 Plotting to the Design Web format.srt2.5KB
1704 Sending drawings via email.srt1.7KB
0201 Opening an AutoCAD drawing.srt5.7KB
0202 Understanding mouse functions.srt4.9KB
0203 Zooming, panning, and regenning.srt7.8KB
0204 Working in a multiple-document environment.srt4.5KB
0205 Saving your work.srt4.3KB
0206 Saving time with templates.srt7.4KB
0301 Constructing lines.srt4.2KB
0302 Locking angles with the Ortho and Polar modes.srt8.3KB
0303 Drawing circles.srt7.4KB
0304 Activating the Heads-Up Display.srt5.9KB
0401 Defining a unit of measure.srt11.6KB
0402 Constructing geometry using architectural measurements.srt7.2KB
0403 Working with metric units.srt7.6KB
0501 Understanding the Cartesian coordinate system.srt8KB
0502 Locking to geometry using object snaps.srt12.1KB
0503 Automating object snap selection.srt12.2KB
0504 Using temporary tracking to find points in space.srt5.6KB
0601 Drawing rectangles.srt9.1KB
0602 Drawing polygons.srt5.6KB
0603 Creating an ellipse.srt9.1KB
0604 Organizing with hatch patterns.srt12.1KB
0701 Making geometric changes using the property changer.srt6.7KB
0702 Moving and copying elements.srt8.8KB
0703 Rotating elements.srt7.1KB
0704 Trimming and extending geometry.srt9.2KB
0705 Creating offsets.srt11KB
0706 Erasing elements.srt5.2KB
0707 Undoing and redoing actions.srt6.6KB
0801 Selecting objects using windows.srt6.7KB
0802 Adding and removing from selections.srt6.3KB
0803 Using keyboard shortcuts.srt7.7KB
0901 Creating fillets.srt6.5KB
0902 Creating chamfers.srt6.5KB
0903 Copying objects into a rotated pattern.srt7.7KB
0904 Copying objects into a rectangular pattern.srt7.8KB
0905 Stretching elements.srt6.5KB
0906 Creating mirrored copies.srt3.7KB
0907 Scaling elements.srt7.6KB
0908 Leveraging grips.srt11.5KB
0909 Exploding elements.srt8.4KB
0910 Joining elements together.srt5.9KB
0911 Editing hatch patterns.srt9.3KB
Using the exercise files.srt1.3KB
0101 Launching the application.srt3.4KB
0102 Accessing the commands.srt7.5KB
0103 Organizing the palettes.srt4.8KB
0104 Adjusting user preferences.srt7.2KB
0105 Accessing help.srt7KB
0201 Opening and managing drawings.srt7.7KB
0202 Configuring a new drawing.srt7.6KB
0203 Creating and managing layers.srt11.7KB
0204 Modifying object properties.srt7.4KB
0301 Constructing a 2D drawing.srt11.5KB
0302 Incorporating hatch patterns.srt5.9KB
0303 Adding annotations.srt9.2KB
0304 Creating dimensions.srt9KB
0305 Incorporating multileaders.srt6.2KB
0306 Creating and editing tables.srt13.3KB
0401 Creating and inserting blocks.srt6.2KB
0402 Using the Block Editor.srt10KB
0403 Building a library using the Content Manager.srt9.1KB
0404 Externally referencing a drawing file.srt11.6KB
0405 Externally referencing an image.srt10.9KB
0501 Creating quick plots.srt6.3KB
0502 Configuring a layout.srt9.9KB
0503 Managing layouts.srt6.4KB
0504 Plotting drawings to PDF.srt2.7KB
0601 Adjusting views in 3D space.srt5.9KB
0602 Creating a solid model.srt10.4KB
0603 Editing solid models.srt10.2KB
0604 Adding light sources.srt12KB
0605 Applying render materials.srt6.9KB
0701 Creating a command alias.srt5.1KB
0702 Customizing the menus.srt4.9KB
0703 Customizing the Tool Sets palette.srt4.7KB
Using the exercise files.srt1.2KB
0101 Adapting to the updated Drawing window.srt6.4KB
0102 Introducing the Navigation bar.srt8.8KB
0103 Accessing the web-based help system.srt7.2KB
0201 Understanding the new visibility controls.srt5.3KB
0202 Selecting objects that have similar properties.srt5.6KB
0203 Creating new geometry based on existing objects.srt3.9KB
0204 Making selections when entities overlap.srt7KB
0205 Applying transparency to objects.srt9.3KB
0206 Controlling text alignment within linetypes.srt13.7KB
0301 Automating the creation of geometric constraints.srt9.5KB
0302 Applying constraints to text rotation.srt4.9KB
0303 Using the updated Parameters Manager.srt12.9KB
0401 Streamlining hatch creation.srt9.9KB
0402 Editing hatch objects dynamically.srt7.6KB
0403 Editing polylines using multifunctional grips.srt9.7KB
0404 Creating splines using fit points or control vertices.srt16.1KB
0405 Editing splines using intuitive grip menus.srt12.9KB
0406 Using the JOIN command to connect contiguous geometry.srt4.8KB
0501 Exploring the updated 3D working environment.srt10.5KB
0502 Simplifying the creation and editing of solid models.srt9.3KB
0503 Introducing new tools to edit mesh models.srt9.3KB
0601 Introducing surfaces.srt5.1KB
0602 Understanding associative surfaces.srt11.2KB
0603 Creating composite models using surfaces and solids.srt14KB
0604 Producing a smooth blend between surfaces.srt12.1KB
0605 Trimming and extending surfaces.srt16.5KB
0606 Projecting geometry onto a surface.srt8.6KB
0607 Filleting the edge between two surfaces.srt9.9KB
0608 Creating offset and network surfaces.srt13.1KB
0609 Pushing and pulling surfaces into freeform shapes.srt17.1KB
0610 Analyzing surface continuity.srt9.7KB
0611 Assembling the composite model.srt16.5KB
0701 Introducing the new Materials Browser.srt10.1KB
0702 Applying materials to an assembly.srt9.4KB
0703 Customizing render materials.srt8.6KB
0704 Creating a high-resolution image.srt7.4KB
Using the exercise files.srt1.3KB
0101 Adding relevant data to Quick Properties and tooltips.srt9.2KB
0102 Creating custom ribbon tabs and panels.srt13.9KB
0103 Creating macro-enabled tools.srt16.4KB
0104 Increasing speed with command aliases.srt7KB
0105 Finding commands and system variables using Auto Complete.srt4.2KB
0106 Optimizing the size of palettes.srt5.7KB
0107 Accessing drawings using Favorites.srt4.1KB
0108 Controlling notification bubbles.srt3.9KB
0109 Restoring hidden messages.srt6.7KB
0110 Following a blog from within AutoCAD.srt4.3KB
0201 Disabling mode settings on the fly.srt5.5KB
0202 Finding hatch boundaries in busy drawings.srt5.6KB
0203 Generating boundaries from difficult shapes.srt3.8KB
0204 Calculating the overall length of multiple entities.srt9.3KB
0205 Calculating the area of multiple shapes.srt7.7KB
0206 Flattening geometry to a single elevation.srt6.4KB
0207 Trimming all entities to one side of an object.srt4KB
0208 Eliminating duplicated geometry.srt8.4KB
0209 Creating true offsets.srt5.4KB
0210 Finding errors when joining multiple entities.srt9.9KB
0211 Moving and copying entities using Windows shortcuts.srt3.8KB
0212 Solving expressions using the command prompt calculator.srt7.3KB
0213 Using the Calculator palette.srt15.1KB
0301 Bringing all text objects to the front.srt2.4KB
0302 Underlining single-line text.srt2.5KB
0303 Managing numbered and lettered lists.srt6KB
0304 Creating superscript and subscript text.srt5.6KB
0305 Removing formatting from MTEXT.srt5.7KB
0306 Using fields to identify who revised a drawing.srt5.4KB
0307 Squeezing text into tight spaces.srt5.4KB
0308 Hiding extra annotative scales.srt3.5KB
0401 Creating [one-click] dimensions.srt3.1KB
0402 Dimensioning angles greater than 180 degrees.srt2.7KB
0403 Creating dynamic dimension breaks.srt3.9KB
0404 Making linear dimensions act like aligned dimensions.srt4.3KB
0405 Finding dimensions with false values.srt2.7KB
0406 Creating parent-child dimension styles.srt7.3KB
0407 Making dimensions easier to read.srt3.3KB
0501 Making global edits to attribute data.srt6.5KB
0502 Clipping references using curved geometry.srt3.6KB
0503 Exchanging one block symbol for another.srt5.1KB
0504 Using drag-and-drop to insert content.srt5.4KB
0505 Creating a block library in two clicks.srt3.2KB
0601 Making global changes to layer names.srt5.3KB
0602 Converting all object properties to BYLAYER.srt2.9KB
0603 Navigating layer lists using the keyboard.srt3.6KB
0604 Producing a hard copy of the layer settings.srt2.7KB
0605 Removing stubborn layers.srt3.5KB
0701 Accessing viewports within viewports.srt5.2KB
0702 Creating viewports with islands.srt9KB
0703 Creating legends using the Change Space tool.srt5.4KB
0704 Rotating viewport content to match layout.srt7.3KB
0705 Importing layouts from template files.srt3.3KB
0706 Visualizing multiple design alternates.srt7.2KB
0801 Consolidating backup files into a single folder.srt4.7KB
0802 Launching applications from within AutoCAD.srt6.3KB
0803 Creating custom linetypes.srt7.9KB
0804 Incorporating symbols into custom linetypes.srt4.5KB
0805 Salvaging data from a corrupt drawing.srt6.2KB
0806 Applying hyperlinks to drawing objects.srt5.3KB
0807 Converting drawings from name-based to color-based plot styles.srt3.3KB
0808 Identifying the owner of a drawing.srt2.4KB
0809 Incorporating drawings into PowerPoint presentations.srt7.7KB
Using the exercise files.srt1.3KB



英 简 双语

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英 简 繁
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英 简 繁 双语

末日孤舰 第2季第9集/The Last Ship S02E09

英 简 繁 双语
