出品 Dreamweaver 教学 DVD 合集/ Dreamweaver 教学合集 Pack

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发布时间: 2014-12-06 04:19:24
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匹配视频: Dreamweaver 教学合集
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0101 Creating and linking HTML and CSS files.srt3.2KB
0201 Using the Slice tool in Photoshop.srt3.2KB
0202 Adding appearances and slices in Illustrator.srt4.7KB
0203 Using Smart Objects in Photoshop.srt4KB
0204 Creating navigation states with Photoshop clipping groups.srt4.8KB
0301 Creating the HTML for the container.srt7.8KB
0302 Adding in sample content for layout previewing.srt6.3KB
0303 Adding CSS rules for the container.srt6.8KB
0304 Adding CSS rules for captions.srt6.3KB
0305 Adding CSS rules for navigation.srt9.2KB
0401 Separating data from the container.srt8KB
0403 Searching all the photos in the data region.srt6.5KB
0404 Generating the photo lineup.srt6.6KB
0405 Creating the navigation links based on the HTML.srt5.1KB
0406 Setting the click events for the navigation.srt6.9KB
0501 Calculating and animating between photos.srt6.9KB
0502 Animating the caption based on the amount of content.srt7.6KB
0601 Setting the marquee state based on first panel data in the HTML.srt7KB
0701 Initializing the gallery on page load.srt2.4KB
Previewing the project across browsers and devices.srt5.1KB
Using the exercise files.srt2.4KB
0101 Slicing and optimizing web graphics.srt5.2KB
0201 Creating and linking HTML and CSS files.srt3.6KB
0202 Creating the main container.srt6.6KB
0301 Manipulating anchor links with CSS.srt6.4KB
0302 Creating the dot states.srt4.3KB
0303 Adding custom attributes into HTML.srt6.3KB
0304 Positioning the dots on the map.srt5KB
0305 Adding a dropdown navigation menu.srt5KB
0401 Downloading jQuery and adding it to your project.srt3.5KB
0402 Detecting when the dropdown changes.srt5.2KB
0403 Showing and hiding dots based on continents.srt6.7KB
0501 Adding the detail containers.srt4.2KB
0502 Adding structure for the city details.srt5.4KB
0503 Styling the city detail content.srt3.7KB
0504 Adding the content for the cities.srt6.2KB
0601 Changing the state of the clicked dot.srt5.9KB
0602 Updating the detail content.srt4.5KB
0701 Adding the final design details.srt7.3KB
Where to go from here.srt2.7KB
Previewing the project across browsers and devices.srt3.9KB
Using the exercise files.srt2KB
0101 Renaming a series of files in Adobe Bridge.srt4.9KB
0102 Using GREP for more intricate file renaming.srt9.1KB
0201 Creating and linking HTML and CSS files.srt2KB
0202 Save For Web & Devices in Photoshop.srt10.7KB
0203 Creating empty CSS rules.srt4.3KB
0204 Create, nest, and class DIV tags.srt7.4KB
0205 Adding CSS properties for main container.srt5.3KB
0206 Adding CSS properties for content area.srt6.2KB
0207 Adding CSS properties for headings.srt2.8KB
0301 Adding and linking the thumbnail images.srt4.1KB
0302 Styling the thumbnail links with CSS.srt8.2KB
0303 Downloading and adding jQuery to your project.srt4.2KB
0304 Overriding the browser's default link behavior.srt6.9KB
0401 Creating preview images from anchor links.srt2.5KB
0402 Changing the preview when clicking thumbnails.srt7.6KB
0403 Changing the caption when clicking thumbnails.srt4.5KB
0501 Adding an image preload plug-in for jQuery.srt3.9KB
0502 Setting a dissolve transition between previews.srt5.8KB
0503 Implementing the preload functionality.srt7KB
0601 Adding a lightbox plug-in for jQuery.srt2.8KB
0602 Creating a custom function for lightbox properties.srt10.6KB
0603 Setting links to activate the lightbox feature.srt6.5KB
0701 Initializing the gallery on page load.srt4.8KB
0801 Adding icons and styles to the zoom and contact links.srt7.3KB
0901 Some ideas for further enhancements.srt4.8KB
About the exercise files.srt4.5KB
Previewing the project across browsers and devices.srt9.1KB
0101 Exporting image slices from Photoshop.srt4KB
0201 Creating new HTML and CSS files.srt8.1KB
0202 Adding HTML anchor links for thumbnails.srt3.6KB
0301 Setting up and designing the outer container.srt5.5KB
0302 Conforming anchor links in thumbnail buttons.srt8.9KB
0303 Adding jQuery and JavaScript to your project.srt4.2KB
0304 Adding video information to the thumbnail links.srt4.9KB
0401 Adding HTML to the thumbnail links with JavaScript.srt11.9KB
0402 Styling the HTML inside the thumbnail links.srt9.1KB
0501 Creating a div container to hold the video player code.srt2KB
0502 Setting up click event for thumbnails.srt3.4KB
0503 Updating HTML5 video code and playing video in the lightbox.srt9.9KB
0601 Activating video for Android and bypassing the lightbox.srt11.4KB
0701 CSS tweaks and the Flash video player.srt3.4KB
Where to go from here.srt2.1KB
Previewing the project across browsers and devices.srt6.3KB
Using the exercise files.srt2.9KB
0101 Updating the CSS to prepare for animated captions.srt4.7KB
0201 Adding the jQuery hover statement.srt5.7KB
0202 Animating the play icon and captions.srt4.6KB
0301 Extending the thumbnail into filmstrips.srt3.7KB
0401 Setting a JavaScript timer.srt6KB
0402 Animating the thumbnail filmstrip backgrounds.srt7.2KB
Where to go from here.srt2.8KB
Previewing the project across browsers and devices.srt5.3KB
Setting up the project folder and files.srt1.4KB
Using the exercise files.srt1.6KB
0101 Understanding static vs. dynamic web pages.srt6.2KB
0102 Selecting application and database servers.srt8.9KB
0103 Introducing Apache, MySQL, and PHP.srt9KB
0104 Installing WampServer on Windows.srt7.5KB
0105 Taking a tour of WampServer.srt6KB
0106 Installing MAMP on Mac OS X.srt6.1KB
0107 Taking a tour of MAMP.srt5KB
0201 Defining a Dreamweaver site.srt4.8KB
0202 Configuring a PHP testing server.srt9.8KB
0203 Creating and testing a first PHP-based web page.srt11.6KB
0204 Adding PHP commands with the Insert panel.srt4.7KB
0205 Setting and outputting simple variables.srt5.7KB
0206 Testing pages with Live view and Live Code view.srt3.3KB
0207 Using server-side includes.srt11.6KB
0208 Navigating included pages with the Code Navigator.srt4.3KB
0301 Using code hinting with PHP variables.srt8KB
0302 Understanding PHP custom classes.srt9.4KB
0303 Adding Zend Framework to PHP on Windows.srt8.4KB
0304 Using the Site-Specific Code Hints feature.srt5.4KB
0305 Using Zend Framework classes with code hints.srt10.4KB
0306 Managing reusable code with the Snippets panel.srt5.7KB
0401 Understanding relational databases.srt8.2KB
0402 Creating a MySQL database in phpMyAdmin.srt7KB
0403 Adding data in phpMyAdmin.srt4.2KB
0404 Importing a completed database from a script.srt8KB
0501 Defining a Dreamweaver database connection.srt8.2KB
0502 Building a simple recordset.srt6.7KB
0503 Building an advanced recordset.srt7.2KB
0504 Displaying data with repeating regions.srt8.4KB
0505 Displaying data with a dynamic table.srt6.1KB
0506 Formatting dynamic data.srt7KB
0507 Displaying the total number of records.srt3.1KB
0508 Limiting records with paging controls.srt5.8KB
0509 Creating conditional regions.srt4.8KB
0601 Building a simple data entry form.srt8KB
0602 Handling form submissions with PHP.srt7.5KB
0603 Creating a customer email form.srt4.7KB
0604 Validating form controls with Spry.srt11.1KB
0605 Populating a list control with dynamic data.srt6.7KB
0606 Working with multiple checkbox controls.srt11.6KB
0607 Sending email with Zend_Mail.srt11.4KB
0701 Using data wizards.srt8.9KB
0702 Formatting dates for SQL.srt7.6KB
0703 Creating a custom data entry form.srt7KB
0704 Preparing a database table for server behaviors.srt4.5KB
0705 Using the Insert Record server behavior.srt8.1KB
0706 Preparing an update form.srt10.5KB
0707 Using the Update Form behavior.srt8.2KB
0708 Creating list page links to edit and update data.srt8KB
0709 Using the Delete Record server behavior.srt8KB
0801 Creating a login form with a PHP server behavior.srt9KB
0802 Protecting page access with PHP server behaviors.srt6.4KB
0803 Logging out with a PHP server behavior.srt5.9KB
0901 Configuring a remote server with FTP credentials.srt6.8KB
0902 Synchronizing site assets with the remote server.srt7.8KB
0903 Exporting the MySQL database to a script.srt4.8KB
0904 Importing the MySQL database on a remote server.srt3.5KB
0905 Configuring the site for the remote database.srt10.4KB
Final thoughts.srt1.4KB
Understanding the prerequisites.srt3.3KB
Using the exercise files.srt2.7KB


X-Files.S01/X档案 第一季

英 简 双语

X档案 第四季

英 简

X-Files s04.rar
Photoshop 蒙板和混合教程

Photoshop Masking &
X档案 全集

X档案 第一季

